The Riverbed: The Values of Economic Reconciliation

Reconciliation needs to be accompanied by purposeful actions in all spaces of society. These actions should happen through Indigenized approaches and processes. The riverbed is the channel in which a river flows. It helps guide the river’s course. As seen through an Indigenous worldview, these values are interconnected and reinforce one another - none of them can be adopted on its own or ranked higher than the others. While Indigenous peoples already largely live by and embody these values, all people and organizations need to adopt and enact these values as it is only through our collective efforts that we can protect and care for what matters most for current and future generations.

• Accountability and truth-telling

• Regenerative

• Embraces and celebrates diverse knowings and ways of being

• Connected to Land and Place

• Rematriation

• Reciprocal relationships

• Anti-racism, equity, and solidarity

• Self-determination, cultural sovereignty, and Indigenization

• Recognition and respect


Support the ever-rising presence of First Nations and all Indigenous Peoples from coast to coast.


Nurture reciprocal relationships built on my 6 R’s, bringing together Indigenous and corporate Canada, institutions, and communities to create transformative spaces for the next seven generations.


Create a desired future state where love and light is in everything we do.