A Leader's Dream

Firstly, I am a mother, before anything else in this world.  It is my greatest gift in this life time to be the mother of my adopted son. Secondly, I am a woman, who is a leader, who is a daughter, sister, cousin, aunt and one day, creator willing, a grandmother. Lastly, I am Indigenous, to my core.  I am powerful, full of wisdom, hopes and dreams of a future for my son and his children. My voice is my gift from the creator, to share stories, with the people that cross my path…to teach and to learn from.

I present my stories, from my heart, and to further my ideas by sharing them with you. Sharing my dreams and hopes with you, so that we can continue the dialogue, enhance your knowing, and spark a new realm of being in our lifetime. So, our children will not have to carry the burden of this work, but use the foundation of this work to create new dreams for themselves and the people yet to be.

The greatest influence on my thought process, visions, ideas and dreams, is from the work of Dr. William Cohen, through his work in developing the spiders web model for education, trauma, language, etc.  His work is fully embedded in his Okanagan Knowing, Culture, Language and Teachings.  He allows the Okanagan Language to full inform his work, thought process and idea creation and is based on what is shared by his elders.

Which has led me to see the work of Economic Reconciliation in the same manner. Also influenced by such other great educators such as Dr. Martin Brokenleg, Dr. Dara Kelly, and my parents, grandparents, Elders, ancestors, so many others. Which is seeing this work as a woven blanket, button blanket or spiders web, all of which are interwoven, layered and interconnected.  Economic Reconciliation is not just about money, financial wealth, the bottom line, or partnerships.  At the centre or core is our children, surrounded by family, community and Nation and connected to language, culture, place, spirituality, etc. and influenced by all aspects of life that create well-being for all things.

The aspects of Economic Reconciliation influencing well-being include but are not limited to:

  • Social Innovation

  • Social Finance

  • Finance

  • Governance

  • Social Entrepreneurship

  • Wealth Creation and Management

  • Giving and Receiving

  • Education

  • Housing

  • Partners, Allies, Collaborators, Supporters, etc.

  • Child-welfare, Food, Safety

This is about seeing Indigenous Well-Being from our worldview, epistemology, and respecting our way of achieving it that is unique to each of us.  This is not an easy task, it will take time, healing, forgiveness, strength, endurance, but most importantly having it be values based. Meaning the foundation is built on our values, language, cultural knowing interlaced with modern ways of doing to achieve it. Each of us has the responsibility in this journey and to hold the space for vision to come to light. Our spirit knows it, let us open ourselves up to what it is.


The Potlach: Economy, Governance, Well-Being


Economic Reconciliation Puzzle